Third Secondary 2021, Test 1 - Based on Unit 1

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Third Secondary Certificate 2021

Test (1) – Based on Unit 1

1) Choose the correct answer:

1- There is a lot of prestige …………….. to owning a car like this.

     a) collected                  b) fixed                     c) attached                    d) established

2- Having joined the Faculty of Nursing, she had …………. on the best first aid practices.

     a) trained                    b) training                  c) train                           d) trainer

3- I always …………… the sisters: they look so alike.

     a) confuse                   b) perplex                  c) compete                    d) puzzle

4- You ………….. there for more than two hours when she finally arrived.

     a) have been waiting         b) had been waited        c) were waiting       d) had been waiting     

5- The virus will ………… your computer.

     a) worry                     b) disable                  c) report                           d) assign

6- When the match ……………, a group of spectators were singing a beautiful song.

     a) was playing            b) was played           c) was being played          d) had been played

7- The ………….. of lighting the Olympic flame goes back centuries.

     a) routine                      b) red tape                 c) habit                         d) custom

8- I couldn't dine with him as I ………… at least three meals throughout the day.

     a) was eating                b) had been eating      c) had eaten                d) must have eaten

9- The suffering she's currently …………… distracts her attention in many situations.

     a) confusing                 b) checking                c) complaining             d) experiencing

10- While Nancy ………… abroad, her husband sent her hundreds of letters.

     a) was                           b) was being             c) had been                   d) would be                          

11- Behind the scenes a lot of secret ………….. was going on.

     a) diplomatic                b) diplomat               c) diplomacy                d) diploma

12-  It wasn't until 1990 that I ……….. my wife.

     a) had met                    b) was meeting         c) met                           d) would have met             

13- Students stood at a …………. distance from the teachers.

     a) respected                  b) respecting             c) respectful                d) respecter

14- ………….. a lot of money does not always entail happiness.

     a) Having                      b) Having had           c) On having              d) Since having

15- The restaurant is informal, ………… and extremely good value.

     a) stylish                      b) respectful                c) insistent                d) adventurous

16- She didn't answer the phone because she …………. to her boss.                                

     a) had spoken               b) was speaking         c) had been speaking      d) spoke


 2) Read the following passage and answer the questions:   

     In the 1950s, Central American commercial banana growers were facing the death of their most lucrative product, the Gros Michel banana, known as Big Mike. And now it’s happening again to Big Mike’s successor – the Cavendish.

     With its easily transported, thick-skinned and sweet-tasting fruit, the Gros Michel banana plant dominated the plantations of Central America. United Fruit, the main grower and exporter in South America at the time, mass-produced its bananas in the most efficient way possible: it cloned shoots from the stems of plants instead of growing plants from seeds, and cultivated them in densely packed fields.

     Unfortunately, these conditions are also perfect for the spread of the fungus Fusarium, which attacks the plant’s roots and prevents it from transporting water to the stem and leaves. The TR-1 strain of the fungus was resistant to crop sprays and travelled around on boots or the tyres of trucks, slowly infecting plantations across the region. In an attempt to escape the fungus, farmers abandoned infected fields, flooded them and then replanted crops somewhere else, often cutting down rainforest to do so.

     Their efforts failed. So, instead, they searched for a variety of banana that the fungus didn’t affect. They found the Cavendish, as it was called, in the greenhouse of a British duke. It wasn’t as well suited to shipping as the Gros Michel, but its bananas tasted good enough to keep consumers happy. Most importantly, TR-1 didn’t seem to affect it. In a few years, United Fruit had saved itself from bankruptcy by filling its plantations with thousands of the new plants, copying the same monoculture growing conditions Gros Michel had thrived in.

     While the operation was a huge success for the Latin American industry, the Cavendish banana itself is far from safe. In 2014, South East Asia, another major banana producer, exported four million tons of Cavendish bananas. But, in 2015, its exports had dropped by 46 per cent thanks to a combination of another strain of the fungus, TR-4, and bad weather.

A) Choose the correct answer;

1- The underlined word lucrative is closest in meaning to the word ………… .

     a) lost                   b) profitable                    c) malicious                 d) nasty

2- How does the fungus Fusarium affect plants?

     a) It deprives them of the main nutrients.

     b) It clones shoots from their stems.

     c) It resists crop sprays.

     d) It abandons infected fields.

3- How did United Fruit save itself from bankruptcy?

     a) By filling its plantations with thousands of the Gros Michel bananas.

     b) By using monoculture growing conditions for growing Gros Michel.

     c) By spreading the Cavendish bananas instead.

     d) By cloning shoots from the stems of plants instead of growing plants from seeds.

4- Why did South East Asia's exports drop?

     a) Because United Fruit didn't like them to rise.

     b) Because of terrorist attacks that made the Cavendish banana far from safe.

     c) Because the TR-1 strain of the fungus was resistant to crop sprays.

     d) Because the natural surroundings did not go in the desired direction.   

B) Answer the following questions:

1- Find in the text words that mean the following:

               a) growing large areas of the same crop.               b) young stems.


2- What advice would you give to South East Asia upon their unexpected problem?


3- What properties did the Gros Michel banana have that made it dominant?


4- In what way did Gros Michel excel its successor, and vice versa?


3) A) Translate into Arabic:

     Mystery novels revolve around a crime that must be solved, often a murder but not always. The traditional format will have a detective—either professional or amateur—as the protagonist, surrounded by a group of characters who help solve the crime or are suspects. 


B) Translate into English:

أتعجب لمن يخرج لنا بالنظريات الفارغة التي يدعي أنها علمية و يقول أن المصريين ليسوا هم بناة الأهرامات الثلاثة و أبو الهول، مرجعا البناء لمخلوقات فضائية أو كائنات خرافية، متناسيا أن المصريين القدماء كان لهم من الإنجازات الحضارية ما يفوق بناء هذه الصروح العملاقة.


4) Write an essay of about 180 words on :

A hard experience that you have gone through successfully.























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