A Date with a Genie (By Ez Eldin Salem)


   I turned off the lights at home, and I was careful to be alone that night. I had sent my wife and children on a family visit to her father’s house, because I had an appointment with a wise genie, known among the jinn’s world for his wisdom and sobriety. He was widely known for his knowledge of the news and what was beyond the news. I got to know him through a friend of mine who was connected to the world of the jinn. After many arrangements, recitation of special words and secret readings, an appointment was set between me and him alone that night. He was to land into the living room at exactly two o'clock in the morning. He stipulated that the whole house should be dark except for the light of dim candles, that no one else should be in the house, and that I had to meet him in a black cloak. I sat waiting for him after making sure I had fulfilled all his conditions.

     It was one forty then, which meant I only had twenty minutes left for my appointment with the genie. I sat, drinking tea, and I thought about all the questions I wanted to ask him when he appeared. I was a little nervous, as a meeting with a genie in a dark room was not an easy thing. I had a lot of fear and anticipation, but I was looking forward to that meeting. That genie I was about to meet knew everything about everything, and he had wisdom that made him able to foresee upcoming events which had not yet occurred, not as a kind of occultation, but rather as a scientific inference based on profound knowledge. My grandfather - may God have mercy on him - always said, "Knowledge is the key to promotion into the highest heavens,." The truth was that that genie had elevated knowledge, and there was nothing beyond his recognition.

     The clock stroke two in the morning. That was the exact time. I heard hard knocks on the ceiling. Suddenly, I saw an aura of light appearing in front of me. Slowly, a tall handsome young man with a long face, a good mankind, appeared. He was holding his forearms in front of his chest. That was the genie, then. My fear and anxiety decreased when I saw his pure smile. He said in a soft voice, "Hello. I knew you wanted to meet me, and I did not mind because I knew about you and your love for knowledge. However, I only have thirty minutes to leave, so ask what you want and do not waste time."

     I could hardly overcome my fear and dread. I swallowed my saliva and started to ask him, and he answered all my questions in sobriety. I asked him about the fate of the world. He said it would be bright and beautiful, contrary to what some people thought. He said that peace would prevail all over the globe, fear and terrorism would stop, hunger and wars would be eliminated, and environmental disasters and epidemics would decrease. I asked him about humans. He said that they would grow sane after their madness which almost toppled them and the universe around them. I asked him about the politicians. He said they must be excused, for while they speak, they hide twice as much as they say for fear of their countries' enemies. I asked him about terrorism. He said it would soon recede, as it had no feet to carry it for a few steps. I asked him about money. He said that money can buy happiness, comfort and contentment, unlike what many people might believe, but it stands helpless in many cases in which it becomes like a dwarf in front of a ravenous monster. I asked him about knowledge. He said that it is the real key to happiness, and that light and ignorance do not exist in one place. The meeting lasted for thirty minutes in which I saw him optimistic regarding the world, man and the future. I asked him about Corona Virus. He said that it would recede after a few days, leaving a brief bad memory of its evil. I asked him whether I would marry the girl whom I loved, but he asked in astonishment, "Aren't you married? Don't you love your wife?" I said, "Yes, but the more one has, the more one wants, and I want to get married for the second time." He praised my intention and said that it was an excellent idea, and that I would certainly marry her if I insisted. It was a nice meeting. When it was time for him to leave, I thanked him very much. He smiled and went away, wishing me all the best.
