Ghosts On My Way Home

     What do I need to be a millionaire tonight? Is my life lacking creativity, or can my pen not express what is in my heart? Many of the writers of excitement and suspense, adventure and horror, espionage and romance, crossed the region of poverty to live happily, being wrapped in the cloak of millions, warm in the heart of the cold winter. They write about an adventure in the middle of a poor region whose people are suffering from the scourge of poverty, and they themselves earn from their writings. OK. It seems that I need to be more focused so that I can attract you and get millions. Please do not leave me; Google Adsense does not like the writers whose readers flee away from them, so I will try to be more attractive and exciting.

     In the distance between the car stop where I get off from the taxi and the village where I live is a narrow street, surrounded by trees on both sides, with a small water channel that has little water most of the time. I walk everyday - back from my work - down this road for almost two miles, in the dark. This is a frightening sight for the faint of heart, especially when there is no moon in the sky. I forgot to tell you that that road is full of ghosts, orcs and gin. I see their shadows behind me while I am walking, and I know that I cannot run. Any attempt to escape from them will not help, as they are characterized by high speed, and they chase those who run to escape from them, and may devour their flesh alive. So I never dare to run, but rather walk quietly even if the loads of terror and fear fill my soul.

     On a cold winter night, I was walking down that road from my work, and I was alone. The moon was in the midst of the sky, and there were light winds messing through my hair. I heard a female imp saying to her friend, "This human-being is walking alone. Why don't we carry out our evil plan?" At that time my heart flounced, as I did not know what the meaning of that evil plan was, but it would in any case be evil and would not pass well. For that reason, I walked faster so that maybe I could walk quickly enough to get away from them in order that they wouldn't implement their evil plan which I did not know about. However, their steps behind me increased in pace, and I felt the breath of that female in my ears.

     I stopped and turned to her, and I almost started telling her that the time was night, that I was afraid and terrified, and that she had to have mercy on me so that I could return to my children who were waiting for me at home, but no sooner had I turned back than she disappeared alongside her friend. The problem with ghosts is that they only appear when you disregard them, and if you turn to them, you cannot find them. I continued my walk quietly. There was about a mile and a half remaining to reach my village, and my fear was still stirring my heart. Then I reached the graves area. It is an area where the graves pile up on both sides of the road. You know there are dead people inside these graves, and you don't dare to look at them. I was walking with shivering steps, hoping that no one would leave their grave and attract me inside. Suddenly, I looked and found a scary ghost sitting next to a grave and eating some loaves of dry bread. He Looked at me in passion. He was perhaps thinking of eating fresh and soft meat instead of that dry bread. My heart bounced when he rose, and I did not try to run, but I looked at him to gain his sympathy. I had no sooner looked at him than he disappeared in the same way the female had done. OK. I went on walking. I will stay with you on this new blog to tell you about my terrifying adventures, hoping I may soon be a millionaire.




  1. waiting for your comments dear friends

  2. lovely words, narrated in a simple way

    1. Thank you. Follow it all, everyday there's something new as well as scary.

    2. you're welcome , my dear

      I'll follow your stories with much interest.

    3. Hi Habibi Mr Mohammed. Miss you a lot.


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