The Deadly Monster (page 1)

We were four persons in a small boat violently rigged by the waves on the wide sea. Darkness surrounded us from all sides, and there was only a faded moon that disappeared among the clouds. Freezing cold and strong winds did not give our boat an opportunity to settle. Worse yet, we were on our way to Honda Island, in the heart of the Atlantic Ocean. We wanted to search for the monster Gowala that killed the inhabitants of the island. No one could find or stop it. We were a team that specialized in finding and killing monsters. We were two men and two women of young age, but we had much experience hunting monsters.

     At many of the previous times when we were assigned to search for monsters, we discovered that the beast was a false rumor that a person had released for sinister purposes. Some people launched those rumors to hide their cruel crimes, and some others were deluding people that there was a monster to raise money in one way or another. But – frankly said - at other times the monsters were real, without human intervention. In those cases we were in difficult situations because we had to either kill the monster or surrender to the fact that we would be its following meal.

     On our way to the isolated and fearsome Honda Island, and in particular on that boat, which was swaying right and left in the heart of darkness, giving a warning of its sinking or overturning, I was thinking about what the monster Gowala was. Was it real, and did he really suck the blood of his victims quickly and disappeared in the speed of lightning, as the islanders said? Or was someone playing a dirty game? Some of the revolting water that hit my face strongly awakened me from my thoughts. I rowed hard with my three friends while Nancy said, "I think we're facing a real monster. I don't think it's a hoax." Nancy was a young woman, probably twenty-five years old, but she was active and experienced. She was beautiful and smart. I asked her in bewilderment, "Why do you think the Gowala monster is real?" My body shivered when she replied, "This is just intuition, and my intuition is never wrong."

     Lara said, "And I'm also sure it's real, and that we're going to fight a ferocious beast that is able to devour us all at once. Before one of you asks me why I think so, my answer is that I was on this island a year ago. I was visiting a friend, and people were talking about the Gowala monster and the victims that fell daily between his fangs. It happened that I heard his voice repeatedly. His roar was blowing from between the mountains surrounding the island.  From his voice I can assure you that it is real. I have great experience with monsters, and I can't be wrong. "

     My heart twitched. We were therefore about to face a real wild monster that could devour us all at once without having his feelings moved, and without having a seed of remorse for his heinous act. The waves started to flip our boat while we were approaching the secluded island. I glimpsed some fire on its shore. The islanders were waiting for us to help them get rid of the monster Gowala. I hoped we wouldn't be a new grab at his jaws soon. I didn't know why I had distant and frightening thoughts at that moment. Many people need help against monsters and ogres. In Africa, Monster Hunger pinches and kills thousands of innocent children, Monster War takes the lives of men, women and children, and Monster Terrorism sucks the blood of innocent people in many regions of the world. I hoped that after eliminating Monster Gowala, we would head to various miserable countries to help them get rid of the frightening deadly monsters. I woke up from my thoughts on the roar of Monster Gowala coming from the approaching island. It would definitely be a bloody confrontation. 


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